Shipping Policy
SHIPPING: We generally ship all items within 1 or 2 business days of our receipt and acceptance of an order. If there is a delay affecting our ability to ship generally, we will attempt to conspicuously post that fact on this site. We ship through the U.S. Postal Service, and packages can be tracked through their website if the customer provides a valid email address with their order, the USPS tracking info will be emailed to them via
We fill domestic orders via U.S. Postal Service mail, which generally results in delivery within 2 to 5 days.
Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, TIME IS NOT OF THE ESSENCE, and any delivery date requested or provided is an estimate only. We are not responsible for delays or for non-performance resulting from causes beyond its reasonable control, including acts of any government or acts of God.
UPDATE: 7/6/22
We are no longer allowed to ship CBN products to the following states (until further notice) due to new laws and regulations:
We apologize for this inconvenience that the governing officials of the above-named states have caused.
LOST PACKAGES: If a package gets lost in transit (very rare, though it does happen), We will not be responsible if the tracking information says the package was “delivered,” which means U.S. Postal Service or the courier service successfully delivered the package to the specified address. If the tracking information says delivered, yet it’s lost anyway, we ask that you check with housemates or family to see if they received the package without telling the intended recipient. This scenario happens fairly often.
PACKAGE SENT TO WRONG ADDRESS: If a package is sent to the wrong address, and the incorrect address was provided online by a customer, then the customer is responsible for the cost of re-shipping the item. We will re-ship the order once the original package has been returned to us. So please, when ordering, make sure your shipping address is accurate, as making any mistake could significantly delay the delivery.
When placing an order over the phone, we will read the delivery address (and other information you provide) aloud to help you be sure it is correct.
PRODUCT DEFECTS & DAMAGED PACKAGES: We allow three days from the date of delivery to notify us if there is any type of defect with a product or if the package it was in was damaged in transit. If we aren’t notified of defects or damages within the three-day window, it is understood that the package and products were in good condition upon delivery.
If there are any questions regarding this shipping policy, you may contact us using the information below:
414 N Camden Drive, Suite 1050